Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group
The Nether Edge Neighbourhood Group, NENG, was founded in 1973 to improve the conditions of life of those living or working in the areas of Brincliffe, Nether Edge and Sharrow in Sheffield, working with local authorities, voluntary organisations and residents in a common effort to advance education, to improve the environment and to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation and leisure time activities. Find out more about what we do and how you can be more involved in your local community.
NENG is a Registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee that is managed by local residents, who are elected at its AGM to serve for a three year period, which can be renewed. A proportion of the management committee members are Trustees / Company Directors and subscribers of the EDGE magazine can elect to become Company Members.
If you would like to join NENG, go to the Membership page
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