Updated 12 July 2024

How to join

We always welcome new members, whether you want to catch up with local news, get involved in any of our groups, or just support our work.

Click here to download a form to subscribe to EDGE, the NENG newsletter, as a new member of NENG. If you wish, you can opt out of being a member of NENG, but still subscribe to EDGE. The annual subscription for 10 copies of EDGE a year is £10. Do check your Downloads folder as the document might not open in your browser.

To renew your annual subscription, which is £10 and normally runs from April to March (late payments are of course acceptable !), you can

make a bank transfer into the NENG bank account (Sort code 30-97-51 A/C 36208368 NENG and your address as the reference);

set up a standing order, using the above bank account details and your address as the reference; or

send a cheque payabel to NENG to Ken Lambert, 32 Thornsett Road, Sheffield S7 1NB making sure your address is enclosed.

For bank payments, please let Ken Lambert know by email.

Using your address as the reference is important to help us identify which record to update (a payment just from "Smith" on the bank statement requires the skill of Inspector Clouseau to track down.

Payments can sometimes be made in cash to your local distributor, though direct payment to the bank is much preferred.

Your local EDGE distributor can let you know whether your subscription is up to date. Alternatively contact Ken Lambert

Click here to download a standing order mandate to send to your bank for your subscription, though this can usually be done online using the bank details above.

If you have any problems downloading these forms, or wish to discuss any aspect of Membership, please email Ken Lambert



Charity No: 1139239
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 07414080