Frog Walk Pocket Park


Volunteer Mark Doel at Frog Walk Pocket Park  near Psalter Lane Roundabout, from where roads radiate to Hunters’ Bar, Cemetery Road, Kenwood and Sharrow etc.

Aims – Appropriately selected planting enhances biodiversity and the enjoyment and aesthetic experience of passers-by as well as upgrading the local area. The design concept is based on the significance of Nether Edge as a green and colourful ‘garden suburb’. Formerly an old, small, neglected rose bed, which later grassed over naturally.

In 2008 a legal contract was secured to design, plant & manage the site. In Dec. 2008 NENG volunteers planted the woody plants and bulbs. In 2009-2010 perennial planting was undertaken and completed. Some additional Alliums were added later.

No site amelioration. Maintenance is minimal. NENG members normally carry out  weeding and thinning, once annually in February to April (depending on the season/growth). Volunteers gardening here are always greatly encouraged by passers-by who tell them how much pleasure they get from this very prominent site and its transformation by NENG.

Contact Mark Doel if you would like to join the volunteer group.


Charity No: 1139239
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 07414080