Updated 29 October 2022

What activities does NENG support ?

NENG fosters a wide range of activities carried out by “sub groups”. These are autonomous within the overall framework of NENG, with the proviso that they must act in accordance with the objectives of NENG and follow a Memorandum of Understanding that sets out the respective financial responsibilities. They are all required to provide an account of their annual activities at the NENG Annual General Meeting, and these are published in the AGM edition of EDGE, the house magazine.

These sub groups are:-

  • The Farmers Market

  • The Festival (including the Party in the Park)

  • History Group

  • Friends of Brincliffe Edge Wood

  • EDGE Editorial Board

  • Open Gardens

  • Friends of Chelsea Park

  • Kenwood Community Growers (in abeyance until a new home is found)

  • Art Group

  • Green spaces (Frog walk Pocket park)

Details of their activities and how you can join in are provided on the separate pages for each. 

In addition, NENG also liaises with the City Council on major planning issues and other issues that affect the community, such as road works, local buses, graffiti


Charity No: 1139239
Company Limited by Guarantee No: 07414080