Updated 30 August

Machon Bank Pocket Park

Work is now progresssing in earnest on the Pocket Park next to Sainsburys on Machon Bank. It is intended that this page will show progress of the work.

Here is a scematic of proposed planting:-

For a larger version click on the thumbnail for a pdf

Plant Donations

Many of you have already offered donations of plants, for which we are very grateful.  If anyone else would like to donate, please let me know. It would help greatly in keeping down costs.  Please see the plan above for the plants needed. We would need them by the beginning of September.  9cm pots would be ideal.  We would also like to plant some spring bulbs to add some colour such as snowdrops, summer snowflake (leucojum aestivum), daffodils and tulips.

Please contact Ruth Bernard at if you would like to donate plants, or volunteer to help with the planting and maintenance of the pocket park.

Stage 1 - Tarmac removal. On Tuesday 23 July, a group of 10 workers from Amey stripped off the tarmac on the site, removed it and fenced off the area. They started at 6.30am (which is why there is no photo of the workers !), and went to their day jobs at 8am. They gave up their time and Amey arranged all the work for no charge.

So a massive thank you to Amey and the crews !

Stage 2 - Building the retaining wall. Work started on Monday 12 August with the contractor Richard Bacon and his assistant starting to lay the wall that is made from reclaimed railway sleepers. These weigh a great deal but have the major advantage that they have not been treated with cresote. Drilling holes has proved to be something of a challenge !

Stage 3 - 30 August. Soil (kindly donated by Amey) arrives. Richard Bacon has put hard paving down for the seating area as well as a trellis along the back wall, with kind permission of the householders.

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