Updated 30 June 2022

Traffic issues

There are a number of issues around traffic in Nether Edge and Sharrow - parking, speeding, safe routes to schools. An article by Howard Fry in the February edition of EDGE proposing making Brincliffe Edge Road one way had quite a response in letters that were published in the March edition.

There are some initiatives already happening or proposed, and these are highlighted below. If you would like to contribute to this issue, please send any material to Ken Lambert for posting on this web page (NENG reserves the right to edit your material, but will consult you before doing so).

If you would like to be involved in driving forward traffic issues with the Council and other parties, NENG would bite your hand off. Contact NENG via Ken Lambert.

  • Nether Edge Active Neighbourhood - a proposal made as part of the Connecting Sheffield initiative, though it only covers a small part of Nether Edge. The consultation ended at the end of August 2021. It could still form a very good basis for action.

    • Consultation response dated October 2021, though only put on the website in April 2022.

    • Consultation executive summary

    • Update April with firm proposals (contrary to some rumours, these are NOT NENG proposals). A copy of the related Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) is HERE [there appears to be a mistake, having "Edgefield Road" instead of "Edgedale Road"]The ETRO will last for six months, but at the moment it is not clear how the experiment will be evaluated, as there really should be a baseline and objective measurement criteria.


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